Monday, December 27, 2010

Bob Dylan & Christmas

Let me start by saying I love Bob Dylan's music. I think he's truly a genius, one of the greatest songwriters/poets of all time.
However, to me, this does not mean he should sing Christmas carols. If you have not heard this, or even if you have, just to remind you, please indulge:

Am I the only one who finds it sad that when you type 'Must Be Santa' into YouTube's search field, 'Bob Dylan' is the first artist name that comes up after it?

I think we can all agree that it's probably not completely in keeping with the spirit of Christmas for children to hear the songs of Ol' St. Nick being sung in a low, gravelly voice that calls to mind a homeless, wandering vagrant stumbling through the streets, a Colt 45 malt beverage wrapped in a brown paper bag in one hand, a smoking blunt in the other, crooning to himself and anyone else who will listen as he searches for a place to sleep. It might scare them a bit.

Once again, Bob's amazing, and I love his truly inspired and inspirational work, but let's leave the caroling to every other famous singer who does it year after year on every basic cable television station for the month or so leading up to Christmas. I think kids should probably become young adults, at least, before they hear Ol' St. Bob. And they should probably go deaf before they hear Ol' St. Bob sing any Christmas songs.

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