Friday, November 14, 2008

Restroom Noise

What is the deal with people breathing heavily and grunting in the stall next to mine in restrooms? I mean, c'mon! Is that really necessary? I try to be considerate of others by remaining quiet so as not to draw my neighbor's attention to the fact that there is another person relieving himself right next door. We try not to think about that. Or at least I do! But some people make that very difficult! I mean, have you no shame, people? It's not your own bathroom. Do what you will in the privacy of your own home, but try to be quiet and courteous when you're in the presence of others. No one wants to know you're there, sitting on the toilet, doing your business! And I can assure you, no one wants to know that you're having trouble with it! That is the last thing I want to know. I hope some of you read this. You know who you are.

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