Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today I want to talk about guts. You know, I really admire people who’ve got guts. I’ve got guts. But there are people out there who’ve REALLY got guts, y’know? People like Adam Lambert, the frontrunner (there, I’ve said it) on this season of American Idol. He’s definitely the most talented of the group when you consider the total package. He’s not only the most talented, he’s the best performer, because he’s the gutsiest, he takes the biggest risks, and he has the most fun. He’s truly an amazing performer to watch. If you haven’t seen him yet, start watching American Idol on Tues nights at 8 on Fox. Most of you reading this probably know about him already, but there are undoubtedly those who will not. So start watching, those of you. It’s a very rare sight to see a contestant on Idol who is already so far advanced in his development as an artist. He’s so much more mature than most of the artists we see. He’s got more experience than a lot of them, and it shows. And he’s an actor too, a true performer, and he knows how to work the crowd. Oh, does he! Yeah, he knows not only how to sing incredibly well, but how to entertain! And the risks he takes are so admirable. I hope one day to have the guts to take the kinds of risks he does. I’m working on it, I’m getting there. But I think having the guts to get up there and do what you feel in its utmost expression is the epitome of what it means to be an artist. Not to care what others think, to get up there and be you, and pour every last drop of your creative spirit out into the room, to fill the room and the crowd with the magic you’ve created. That’s really something. To be able to affect people with the magic of your creative spirit. It’s what we actors live for. That and love. A lot of what we express as artists has to do with love, so art is really one of the main things we live for. Self-expression. Thank god we have the right to self-expression. I don’t know where we’d be without it, but I don’t want to think about that. But yeah, Adam Lambert is my pick to win Idol, I’m in his corner, he’s my fav. And I can’t believe articles are even coming out about ‘can he win if he’s gay?’ who gives a shit if he’s gay, straight, bisexual, or whatever-the-hell other kind of sexual orientation there is? He’s a damned fine artist, a true rock star in his own right, and that should be all that matters. I’m confident, though, that he’s got enough people in his corner that he can overcome whatever sort of ridiculous ‘stigma’ might come with suspicions about his sexual orientation. Give me a break, the guy is fantastic, he should be judged based on his talent, character and personality, and in all three of those facets, from what he’s shown on Idol, he is a winner and a true role model for children and anyone who desires to become an artist. That is my personal tribute to Adam Lambert.

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